Relationship Issues

Where did the love go?

Jane and John* have been married for nine years, but the last five haven’t been so good.

They have two children. Though they began as a loving couple, after the birth of their first child, they began to grow apart.

Time – for household chores. Finances. Problems and pressures at work. School projects. Chicken pox.

But no time – for each other. Tired. Irritable. Overwhelmed. Daily stressors started taking their toll. Their once intimate relationship couldn’t help but grow distant – just when they needed each other most.

What happened to the romance? The trust?

Lately, they haven’t been able to go a single day without getting into a heated argument. Jane accused John of being hurtful and suspected he was having an affair. John responded by accusing Jane of being a nag and suspected she, too, was having an affair. Each had seen suspicious text messages in the other’s cell phone.

Something had to give.

They came to NYPW in the hope of re-establishing their relationship.

Working to rebuild trust in the relationship is a key to helping a couple reconnect.

Communication and other important skills are a focus of counseling couples back to a healthy, growing, and loving relationship.

Couples therapy helps partners, regardless of circumstances, work to do just that.

After working with NYPW, Jane and John learned how to resolve their conflicts with patience and compassion. They committed to each other and worked hard to become partners – allies – lovers again.

Rebuild your trust. Rekindle your romance. Rediscover your relationship.

Contact us today at (718) 225-5505 to begin finding your way back to each other.

*fictitious names and based on actual couple